Regular Expression:


Test Strings:

Scriptular is a javascript regular expression editor. Inspired by Rubular it gives you a simple way to test javascript regular expressions as you write them.

Start by entering a regular expression and then a test string. Or give this example a try.

Learn more about regular expressions in javascript.

No Matches

Match Results:

    Match Groups:

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      i Perform case-insensitive matching
      g Perform a global match


      [abc] Match a single character a, b, or c
      [^abc] Match any character except a, b, or c
      [A-z] Match any character from uppercase A to lowercase z
      (ab|cd|ef) Match either ab, cd, or ef
      (...) Capture anything enclosed


      ^ Start of line
      $ End of line
      . Match any character
      \w Match a word chracter
      \W Match a non-word character
      \d Match a digit
      \D Match any non-digit character
      \s Match a whitespace character
      \S Match a non-whitespace character
      \b Match character at the beginning or end of a word
      \B Match a character not at beginning or end of a word
      \0 Match a NUL character
      \t Match a tab character
      \xxx Match a character specified by octal number xxx
      \xdd Match a character specified by hexidecimal number dd
      \uxxxx Match a Unicode character specified by hexidecimal number xxxx


      n+ Match at least one n
      n* Match zero or more n's
      n? Match zero or one n
      n{X} Match sequence of X n's
      n{X,Y} Match sequence of X to Y n's
      n{X,} Match sequence of X or more n's